Your network should be one of the prime tools for increasing your effectiveness to operate as a business.
Increased communication between your employees, workgroup/project administration, sharing of vital documents,
and task automation are only a few examples of how a network can help to improve your bottom line. Of course, such
a tool can be a detriment if you don't have the proper equipment or fail to maintain it adequately.
Implementation of new automation tools should not force you to redesign
your existing operation to fit the limitations of a poorly designed system.
Your network should be completely adapted to your business process. Only by
analyzing your workflow and workload can the best map be created between technology and your needs.
RNG is expert with the full line of Windows servers and peer-to-peer operating systems. This broad base of experience will give you the overview required to make the right networking decisions for your business.
Site Evaluation
Infrastructure assessment:
Is your current hardware holding you back from fully taking advantage of your business tools?
Are you delaying adding new business productivity tools because your equipment can't currently handle the additional requirements?
Network Traffic/load balancing:
Your company's network is similar to a road system during rush hour traffic.
An overtaxed resource can cause a traffic jam and bring the whole operation to a grinding halt. Analyzing the traffic patterns on your Local Area or Wide Area
Network can help isolate those users or applications bogging down your server's processor time. Implementing solutions such as network segmentation can greatly improve the overall responsiveness of your current hardware.
Disaster recovery:
Perhaps one of the most overlooked areas in administering a network is the completeness and thoroughness of your business
disaster-recovery plan. How quickly you would be able to recover from such accidents will directly reflect on your bottom line.
Do you have a comprehensive, up-to date plan for rebuilding your network from scratch? How comprehensive is your backup plan? Do you maintain off-site backups?
If you are interested in obtaining answers to these questions, take advantage of our site evaluation.
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